A New Operating System for your Mind, Body & Soul If you’ve been following along, I’ve been sharing about my mission in a 3 part series.  If not, you can catch up by reading  ‘Are You Self-Aligned?’ which is Part 1 about the importance of women having a positive relationship with themselves in order to […]

Life Satisfaction, Mindfulness

January 20, 2023

Why Mindfulness?

Why we will always need feminism: My Mission Part 2 My business is dedicated to serving women, so today we’re talking feminism (cue a flurry of eye rolls and unfollows).  It’s OK, that response makes a lot of sense and I’ll explain why below.   As I’ve mentioned before, I believe strongly that if we want […]

Life Satisfaction, Mindfulness, Self-Trust

January 6, 2023

The ‘F’ Word

My Mission: Part 1 Today I’m breaking down my true mission, because even though I talk all this mindfulness stuff – the truth is – it’s actually just a foot in the door.  It’s a sneaky wedge to get me closer to my actual supportive purpose – more women living in their fullness, more women […]

Life Satisfaction, Self-Trust, Uncategorized

November 18, 2022

Are You Self-Aligned?

How to bring it home. Mindfulness is easy on vacation.  Nothing to do but wander from moment to moment, soaking in and savoring the sights, smells, sounds and tastes of the world around you.   You’ve probably heard the quote, ‘Build a life you don’t need a vacation from.’  To be honest I get the point […]

Life Satisfaction, Mindfulness

March 25, 2022

Mindfulness Is Easy On Vacation

I’m Going Rogue!  I’m coming out of the coaching closet, moving away from positioning myself primarily as a mental health therapist, and today I’m sharing my reasons why.   I hear you asking, ‘But Katy, Didn’t you go to school for 6 years, spend even more years gaining clinical hours, taking licensure exams, and many many […]

Life Satisfaction, Self-Trust

January 18, 2022

Why I’m Transitioning To Coaching Instead of Therapy

Talking Isn’t Enough – Explaining Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Have you ever gone to therapy and felt like it …. didn’t do much?  I mean, it’s nice to be ‘heard’ and receive validation on your experiences and perspectives, but then what?  I’ve had so many clients come to me feeling a little jaded with therapy, telling […]

Coping With Pain, Life Satisfaction, Reaching Goals

September 10, 2021

DBT – How To Be A Human

If you’ve been in my circle at The Mindful Coach for a while, you know that 2020 hit me hard – as it did so many people.  By December, I was at a cracking point and so ready to shift out of significant anxiety and depression that were related to a number of compounding stressors. […]

Life Satisfaction

June 15, 2021

Joy As An Act Of Rebellion